Out on the trail a hot meal can really hit the spot after a good day’s hike or if the weather has you cold and wet. Pictured here is my cook set that I’ll have with me.
I have a 900 ml titanium cook pot (roughly a quart). Titanium is super lightweight and helps keep the amount of weight I have to carry to a minimum.
My stove made from a Fancy Feast cat food can. It burns alcohol such as isopropyl or Heet, a car fuel additive.
The small plastic bottle will hold enough fuel between resupply points. Typically a meal should only need .75 to 1.0 fl oz of fuel. A tiny 8 fl oz bottle should get close to 10 meals, more than I’ll need on almost any stretch.
The last key item is the windscreen made from aluminum foil. Low pressure alcohol stoves can easily be blown by the wind and it greatly reduces the fuel efficiency. A breeze can even prevent you from getting a boil at all. Using the screen is slightly easier if you attach the open ends with a large paperclip.
Of course, I forgot to include in the photo my lightweight spork.
This type of setup is very good for boiling water, but not as good for slow cooking. Hikers often eat dehydrated meals or foods easily cooked with hot water such as oatmeal and rice.
Backpackers wanting to cook fancier meals may opt for isobutane/propane gas stoves.
Evernew Titianium Ultralight Pot 0.9 l (ECA252)
Plastic Water Bottle