Mountain Harbour B&B served a wonderful breakfast. I had stayed the night in the main house, but I wandered down to the hostel again that morning. They were watching more movies from their VHS collection. I stuck around to finish up “You’ve Got Mail”, but left before they started “Braveheart”. I got my start in the afternoon and it promptly rained on me.
I hiked about 3 miles and came upon some nice views on top of a hill:
A ways further was a side trail to Jones falls. They were a very nice cascade.
Just as I got down to Elk River it started to sprinkle. Despite being early evening, I pitched my tent.
Daily Mileage: 6.5, AT mile: 398.3
The next morning of course, I found excellent camping only a quarter mile from where I stopped. I passed the 400 mile mark too!
I swung by Mountaineer shelter that had been built during Hardcore Kincora a few years ago. Hardworking volunteers erected the shelter in only a few days. I dropped off a log book since there wasn’t one at the shelter.
A bit further down the way I decided I’d stop in at Vango/Abby Memorial Hostel and grab a hot lunch. It was a good walk off trail, so I was heart broken when no one was around. All those wasted steps…
I was also playing on my phone that day and not watching my step. I ended up laying on top of my phone with my arms tied up like a pretzel due to my trekking poles shoving them every which way. What hurt the most was my ego so I quickly scanned to see if I had an audience. I was alone, so let’s not tell the other hikers.
Funny enough, I had just passed Ahab who rolled her ankle a bit and was taking a break to rest it. She caught up not far down the way and we were going to hike all the way to Dennis Cove road and go to Kincora.
It was dark when I got there and missed the last ride to town. I got stuck eating snacks for dinner.
Daily mileage: 18.7, AT mile: 417.0
Nick, I am thoroughly enjoying reading your blog are very impressed by what you have taken on. Good luck and stay safe.
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