I packed all my stuff, fully intending to leave. The building fatigue was calling me to stay. I checked a few things on my phone. I guess it will be a zero day.
I figure that I could walk around a bit and learn about the defunct town of Crow Wing that once sat here. I wandered to the old townsite and eventually around the outside hiking loop. I spent a few hours reading about it’s importance as an early commerce hub, and it’s downfall when the railroad came through and crossed in Brainerd instead.
Most of the buildings were gone, but one of the town’s pioneers still had a house there (after multiple relocations).
When I got back to camp I realized I screwed up. It had been nagging me before I returned, but now it was confirmed that the darn chipmunks had gotten my Dot’s pretzels. It served me right for leaving them out, but initially I had only planned to walk about 1/2 mile instead of the roughly 3 I did.
I had my site until 4:00, so I set up my bugging and started to lay down. I suppose I should double check that it was still empty tonight. Oh crap, the whole camp is almost fully booked. The cluster near the water where I was, were all taken, so I decided to scope out the remaining three. I promptly booked the best.
Shortly thereafter I moved all my stuff. No fun. When I settled in, I decided to go through with my plan from the morning. What I had checked online was if DoorDash delivered there. And sure enough it did. That was my deciding factor. A while later, I had a pizza and a 2-liter in hand. A good way to wrap up a zero.
Mileage: 0 + 3 bonus miles walking
Total Mileage: 349.3
Today’s Audio: Continued How Propaganda Works
Day 18
We all need a day of rest and contemplation. Keep up the adventure!
Door Dashing to the camp site. I love it. :)